Tag: dcist

  • Explored!

    I’ve had two photos recently in Flickr Explore, which selects the most interesting photos from around this photosharing site. Both are mobile pics, taken with my iPhone 5, and edited with the Flickr app.

    The first appeared in Explore on April 8 and is a shot of the cherry blossoms by the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC. I went after work and the soft late-afternoon light was gorgeous. I used the Mammoth filter in the Flickr app to give it a distinct look.

    cherry blossoms at sunsetMy second Explored photo came a week later. Coming up the escalator at the Ft. Totten Metro, I saw this:

    Bradley Fighting Vehicle at Ft. Totten MetroIt was surreal to see a train full of Bradleys next to the Metro tracks. I framed this photo with the Metro station sign because I thought it was so bizarre. In addition to Explore, this photo appeared in the local blogs DCist, Greater Greater Washington and PoPville. Plus, another photo I took of the train was published in the Express, the free paper by the Washington Post. That was nice – I read that paper every day on the Metro.

    DC is filled with the beautiful and the bizarre, if you will keep your eyes open.

  • DCist Exposed: Who Are These People?

    Opening night at DCist Exposed
    Opening night at DCist Exposed 2013

    What does the brave new world of photography look like? It looks a lot like the DCist Exposed show wrapping up this weekend at Long View Gallery.

    In an era when digital images are ubiquitous, and everyone has a cellphone camera, what does it mean to be a photographer? Is a photographer someone who has expensive gear? Someone who works for pay? A person who understands ISO and exposure?

    We are all photographers now. This is liberating and terrifying all at once. It’s liberating for millions who can now use inexpensive cameras and free apps to pursue their artistic vision. And it’s terrifying for anyone who hopes to make a living at this trade.

    You can see the results in DCist Exposed. I’ve been in the show twice myself and think it’s a great celebration of photography. You can learn a lot from the show. It offers the opportunity to look at familiar landmarks in a new light.

    I’ve seen the Capitol a million times but never from the terrace of the Newseum like this photo from Victoria Pickering. Another familiar landmark is seen in Memorial Day by Gary Silverstein.

    But the show also offers off the beaten path looks at the city like the abstract lines of Hockney by Jim Darling and river speed by Bryan Bowman.

    Running Around the Tree by Eric Purcell is my favorite from the show.

    What fascinates me about DCist Exposed is that it’s done by ordinary folks. The show is not curated by a Gallery Director and populated by the obscure work of pierced art students. It’s a scene unknown to local art mandarins, leading an Atlantic magazine columnist to sniff, “Who are these people?”

    Instead, the curators are people who have day jobs in government and the photos come from lawyers, web developers and other prosaic professions.

    And that’s why the show is such a success. Like the DC Shorts Film Festival (which I’m also involved with), DCist Exposed is a show open to all with a populist sensibility.

    Organized, curated and promoted by amateurs with cameras, the future of photography looks a lot like DCist Exposed. Go see it.

    DCist Exposed: March 25 – April 7, 2013
    Long View Gallery
    1234 9th St NW
    Washington, DC 20001
    Wednesday-Saturday 11-6
    Sunday 12-5

  • Party Report: DCist Exposed Photography Show

    party sceneLast night was opening night for DCist Exposed, a gallery exhibit of some of the most interesting photos from around the Washington region. Read my FAQ to learn more about this interesting show which, by the way, runs until March 27 at Long View Gallery.

    After hanging out there for a couple of hours, drinking beer and talking to photogs, what did I learn?

    • Long View is almost too cool to be in DC. It’s enormous, sparse and separated by historic Blagden Alley by just a glass garage-style door. Last year, it played host to the opening party of DC Week too. One drawback: only two little bathrooms in the back, not ideal for large crowds served beer.
    • I cannot tell the difference between the various varieties of Yeungling that they served last night.
    • Giving the photogs and DCist staff name tags was an excellent idea. You could easily spot the show’s participants.
    • From Samer Farha, one of the show judges, learned that Mpix was a good place for prints and Apex in Virginia was a great place for framing. We both agreed: insanely expensive to print at home.
    • Brian Mosley informed me that you don’t have to go too early down to the Mall on July 4th to get a shot like this. I find this hard to believe.
    • Art lovers bought photos on opening night, including this classic shot of a stunned-looking Mayor Fenty. The photographers don’t know who buys their pics.
    • Selling tickets in advance was a brilliant idea. No fire marshals and there was plenty of room for everyone.
    • Heather Goss, who started DCist Exposed, has about five different jobs. But not to worry, she’s apparently a machine.
    • People liked my line in the FAQ I wrote for the Pink Line Project about the DCist commentators being a “riotous crew of misfits.” That’s me literary background.

    Be sure to check out these great photos of the night from Vincent Gallegos. Can’t wait til next year!

    Update: more great pics from DCist!