Shutdown has a silver lining – more time for coffeeneuring! What is coffeenuering? The idea is simple:
Ride your bike to 7 different local coffee shops from Saturday October 5 through Sunday, November 17.
You ride your bike to a coffee shop, take a photo and tag it with #coffeeneuring. Simple.
After some research on Yelp, I decided to visit the Buzz Bakery on Slaters Lane in Alexandria. Though it’s right off the Mount Vernon Trail, I didn’t even know it existed. That’s the beauty of coffeeneuring – it gets you to new places.
I cruised down the 15th St bike lane, went around the White House and then encountered Shutdown Theater.

Shutdown Theater is when the National Park Service unnecessarily shuts down open-air parks, monuments and even bongo-playing hippies. The purpose is not to protect monuments built to last thousands of years (they’re guarding them anyway, as you can see above) but to provide visuals for TV anchors to stand in front of. It’s a political strategy.
But, on a bike I’m free of these petty functionaries, and could escape over the river to Virginia. Crossing my favorite Memorial Bridge, I cruised down the Mount Vernon Trail. This is National Park Service land too but all they’ve done is close the bathrooms. I was joined by plenty of other lawbreakers.

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