Trump is Not Good for Business

walk-up window at Mia's
The good ol days of the Trump administration, when toilet paper was a scarce commodity.

“Trump would be better for my business.”

The words were spoken at the end of my doctor’s visit. We we were scheduling my next appointment, six months in the future.

“December. God knows what could be happening then,” I laughed.

My doctor bemoaned Trump but stated that he would be better for his finances.

Would he though? Is chaos good for business?

I’m a government contractor, like many consumers in the DC region. If Trump gets elected, my agency may not exist. It’s one of those pesky ones that spoke the truth to the petulant dictator.

Even if it does exist, would my company have the contract? Trump would probably redirect it to Jared Kushner or one of his cronies. I’d lose my job and health insurance.

Assuming I kept my job and health insurance, going to regular doctor visits might not be my priority.

I am Red Bike Guy

Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation guide to the upcoming terror, calls for using the military to imprison the opposition.

I am Red Bike Guy. I mock fascists, including the J6-loving chuds of Freedom Corner. They hate me. I am on an enemies list. If Trump gets elected, I could end up in a camp, on the run or exiled from my country.

This kind of chaos would ripple across the United States, with Trump mobs emboldened and ordinary citizens forced into action. No one and no where would be safe.

Businesses large and small need predictability. Stable markets, laws that don’t change on a whim and consumers happily spending their money.

That would not be Trump II.

“Are you better off than you were four years ago?” Trump asks.

The summer of 2020 gives us a preview of what a second Trump administration would be like. An economy in ruins due to the government’s failure to handle covid, with Trump in complete denial as he spreads the disease across the country with campaign rallies. Toilet paper is in short supply as supply chains are disrupted.

The police and the military get corrupted by Trump as he uses them to crush Black Lives Matter protesters in Lafayette Park. DC is boarded-up following the disturbances, with block after block of shuttered restaurants and offices.  The country roiled by Trump’s random tweets, stocks rising and falling, with every utterance from the deranged Boomer who just can’t put the phone down.

How is this good for business?

Trump Will Not Leave Your Business Alone

My doctor, too, should worry about government’s interference in health care. They spell out their plans for medicine in Project 2025. It’s a hard anti-science, anti-vax document that would make draconian changes to healthcare in the United States, making it impossible for women and the poor to access the care that they need.

If elected, Trump promises revenge. Not growing the economy. Instead, he and his allies will go after their enemies, including companies like Apple and Google, sending this country down a spiral of vengeance.

We really want to burn it down,” Trump supporters have said, again and again.

Believe them. Look at what they did on January 6th.

And it would be economically calamitous. Moody’s predicts increased inflation and a recession if Trump wins.

I think they understate the impact. Consumers preoccupied with chaos are not going to be spending money – or going to their annual checkups.

Another Trump administration would be disastrous for businesses and the economy. And democracy.

A Biden victory means stability. Declining inflation. A government that respects freedom and the rule of law.

Vote your wallet. Vote Biden.

Author: Joe Flood

Joe Flood is a writer, photographer and web person from Washington, DC. The author of several novels, Joe won the City Paper Fiction Competition in 2020. In his free time, he enjoys wandering about the city taking photos.

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